November 2023

It's Time for the Open Enrollment Period (OEP)

Have You Done Your Medicare Plan Review? 


The Open Enrollment Period is from October 15th - December 7th each year.

Whether you have Original Medicare with a Prescription Drug Plan or you are in a Medicare Advantage Plan with drug coverage, like an HMO or PPO, now is the time to review your coverage to determine if your plan is still right for you.

Each year you receive an Annual Notice of Change from your plan by September 30. This letter explains any changes your insurance company has made to your coverage and costs. Perhaps your monthly premium, deductible, or copays were increased. Or maybe some of your drugs are no longer on the plan’s formulary.

What can you do now?


SHINE counselors are ready to help compare your current plan to other options available in your area. Counselors provide free and unbiased personal assistance at counseling sites, over the phone, and during community outreach events. Counselors will look for ways to save you money, find the best coverage available, search for drug cost savings when you approach the donut hole, and help you review plan ratings. They will leave the plan selection up to you.

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) standards are followed, and SHINE counselors will keep your information confidential and secure.

FRAUD: Beware of fraud through the marketing of plans in your community. There are certain actions that plans may not make during educational events. Also, watch for unsolicited emails. For your protection, avoid clicking on links in the email or replying to the message. 

SAVINGS PROGRAMS:. If you have limited income and assets, SHINE can help you apply for financial assistance programs that will help you save on out-of-pocket costs.

Take the time now to review your Medicaid health care plan or prescription drug plan. A SHINE Counselor can help you compare plans to find out what works best for you! Call today: 866-467-4624.

November is National Family Caregivers Month

Helping Caregivers Connect: to information, support and each other


The National Family Caregivers Month 2023 theme is Caregivers Connect. This is to highlight the importance of connections — a way to get information about your loved one’s disease or condition, share experiences, get support, or form a closer bond with your loved one.

Caregivers connect when they’re sitting in the waiting room of their loved one’s doctor’s and start comparing experiences with other caregivers in the room. Connections also happen at caregiver support groups happening around our local communities.

Caregivers Connect refers to information and referrals received from the Elder Helpline staff. Caregivers Connect also raises awareness of a family caregiver’s role and helps guide them through the new responsibilities it takes to care for a loved one.

When caregivers connect, whether it’s for support, to get information, or just to talk to someone who understands what you’re going through, it can help you feel less isolated. You are not alone.

Now is the time to help caregivers in your life connect. Here are a few things that you can do to help them:

Connect with Friends: Offer to make a meal or take over a caregiving duty on a regular or one-time basis.

Connect with Information: Provide referrals to programs like Home Care for the Elderly (HCE) or other local programs that can help. Call the Elder Helpline from any area code: 866-467-4624

Connect with Support: Recommend local caregiver support groups. AARP has an informative article on how to pick the right support group for your specific needs. Click Here to view the AARP article on Support Groups



Coalition on Aging Meetings

Monthly networking in the aging community

Don’t forget that the monthly Coalition on Aging meetings are happening in person at the Tallahassee Senior Center. Meetings are held in the main dining room, the third Wednesday of each month.

These meetings are a great way to inform professionals in the aging network about upcoming events or new programs your agency is offering. It is also a time for socializing and meeting new people in the aging field. Meetings are from 9:00 am -10:00 am and light refreshments will be served.

If you’d like to sponsor breakfast or present to the group, please email Advantage Aging Solutions at [email protected] so we can get you on the schedule.

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