Welcome to my Master Grief Coach Certification Program! I’m excited to have you here and even more excited that you want to learn more about this profession! There’s a reason you’re here and I hope that the information provided will help to uncover what that reason is! Whether you are called to support others, interested in gaining grief specific knowledge for your own use or you are interested in building a lucrative coaching business, this program is for you! Fulfillment, or answering a “calling” has been recognized by experts as a significant way to nurture happiness. If your grief and healing journey awakened a deep longing to explore your unique way to use healthy information to uplift those stuck in despair, this program will provide the tools necessary to do just that. There is a great need for grief and healing education and completing this program will offer you the ability to impact others on a greater scale.

In this comprehensive, fully accredited, Master Grief Coach Certification Program, you're not just signing up for a course; you're embarking on a life-changing path to support, heal, and inspire those experiencing grief.

Our program begins with two in-depth modules. The first, 'Understanding Grief and Healing,' delves into the intricate stages of grief, its profound impacts, and the path to healing. You'll gain a deep understanding of the emotional journey that accompanies loss, equipping you with the knowledge to provide meaningful support.

The second module, 'Grief Coaching Certification Guide,' arms you with essential coaching techniques. You'll learn effective communication strategies and coaching skills necessary to empower and assist those in grief. This module is your roadmap to becoming a skilled and compassionate grief coach.

As part of this program, you'll receive three exclusive one-on-one Zoom sessions with me. These sessions are tailored to enhance your learning experience, providing personalized guidance and the opportunity to address your specific questions and concerns.

Your journey culminates in a final exam, leading to your certification as a Master Grief Coach. This certification is more than just a document; it's a testament to your dedication and expertise in supporting those in grief. Even after completion, you'll have ongoing support and direct access to me for any future questions or guidance, ensuring you're never alone on this path.

I invite you to join this fulfilling program. It's not just an educational experience; it's an opportunity to make a tangible, positive impact in the world, helping others to heal and thrive in the face of loss. Enroll now for $1497 and start your transformative journey in grief coaching.

Discover What Sets Our Grief Coach Certification Apart:

  • Personal Interaction with an Expert Facilitator: each participant will have direct, personal interaction with an experienced master grief coach, offering a more intimate and impactful learning experience.
  • CTAA Accreditation: the prestigious CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association) accreditation not only assures the quality and credibility of the program but also enhances the professional standing of its graduates.
  • Ongoing Support Post-Certification: graduates of this program will have direct email access to the facilitator for ongoing support.
  • Optional Resources for Business Development: whether you are starting your own practice, looking to expand your digital footprint, or seeking personalized business mentorship, you will have the opportunity to access my customizable grief coaching toolbox, my proven social media marketing plan or take your grief coaching business to the next level with our exclusive one-on-one business coaching program.
  • Small Business Action Planning module is available after certification is complete if coach desires to build a business.  
  • No Required Continuing Education Expense.

Once you have completed your registration and submitted payment, you will receive the Master Grief Coach Certification Agreement and both study modules, Grief Coaching Certification Guide and Understanding Grief and Healing. If you do not receive them, please check your bulk or junk mail folders and if still not there, please reach out to me at [email protected].

I am thrilled that you have invested in this program and in yourself and excited to see you grow and evolve! If at any time you have questions, please reach out to me.

Warmest regards,