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December 1, 2023 Wesley UMC Newsletter

December 3rd Worship Services


"Almost Peace"

by Reverend Sara L. Isbell

Isaiah 9:2-6, Luke 1:76-79 NRSV

NOTE: We'll be serving Holy Communion!

Join us at the 11:30 Service for our first ADVENT Interactive Worship Element!


This year at Wesley UMC, we are going to decorate the church for the season as a family. We’re calling ALL WESLEY UMC GROUPS, whether you are a fellowship group, a bible study group, or a chosen family of Wesley UMC people, please participate in our 2023 Christmas Bazaar!

From now until December 20th, all groups are encouraged to decorate a Christmas tree to go up in their ministry area during this season. On December 20th, we will get together and celebrate the season together with a Wesley Family POTLUCK, Christmas carols, Family games and a special tree judging ceremony where we crown one group the WINNERS of the tree contest.


1. If you have an extra tree at home, PLEASE BRING IT TO CHURCH TO USE, Kelsey and BenJo have a limited number of extras to loan out. If your group needs one of the extras, please contact Kelsey at 618-558-0748 or by e-mail: [email protected].

2. You can decorate your tree ANYTIME between now and December 20th at 5:00 pm. 

3. Your trees do NOT have to be moved downstairs on the 20th. They can stay where they are, and our judges will go to see them!

4. We will eat dinner together on December 20th. We’re planning a potluck. Wesley will provide the main protein (with vegetarian and gluten-free options). Please tell us on the google form if you can bring a dish to share. 

5. We will ask that everyone’s tree be taken DOWN by Wednesday, January 10th. 

6. Please REGISTER for the event using THIS LINK so that we know who all is participating.

We are so excited to start at new Wesley UMC Family tradition and celebrate the sacredness of this season by beautifying our church together! If you have any questions at all, please contact Kelsey Ross at 618-558-0748 or BenJo Lash at [email protected]

Almost Christmas - Adult Studies

Starting in Advent, we'll have multiple new Adult Studies opportunities at Wesley! These studies will focus on "Almost Christmas: A Wesleyan Advent Experience"

"In Almost Christmas: A Wesleyan Advent Experience, author and pastor Magrey deVega leads a group of authors to explore how we can make the same commitment to Christ during Advent, connecting our Wesleyan heritage with the traditional Advent themes of Love, Hope, Joy, and Peace."

Sunday Morning - In the lounge or online from 10:15 to 11:15am

Monday Night - Online from 6 to 7pm

Tuesday Morning - Women's Group, 8 to 9am in the Lounge

Tuesday Night - Journey Group, 6:30 to 8 pm in the Garden Room

Wednesday - Men's Group, Noon in the Garden Room

Wednesday Night - 6 to 7pm in the Conference Room

On the LEFT is the study book

for small groups. It will be available

 for purchase at Wesley for $10

On the RIGHT is the personal devotional book for

anyone who wants to grow in faith and faithfulness

in a Wesleyan model this Advent.  It will be

available for purchase at Wesley for $5

Contact Kathi Pritts for more information!

Stewardship Cards are available at Wesley on the welcome desk!

Our stewardship drive for 2024 is under way. This is the time when our members and friends can fill out a stewardship card and provide their intention of financial support for our General Operating Fund for 2024. Stewardship cards have been mailed to member homes. Additional copies are available at the welcome desk. Members and friends can fill out a stewardship card and indicate their support of time, talent and treasure in 2024 – including financial support for our General Operating Fund. We can mail or email additional cards if you need one!

Please take time to consider what support you hope to provide next year: your spiritual gifts, abilities and financial gifts. The commitment total enables us to determine a General Fund Budget with a degree of confidence. We seek to set budgets that are realistic and faithful to the commitments that our members make, so returning commitment cards is a very important part of the process.

Thanks to our members and friends who have already returned a commitment card for 2024. As of November 29, we have received 167 cards totaling $900,872. Last year we received 191 commitment cards totaling $862,785. All commitment cards remain in Wade Meranda's office and the information is kept confidential of course.

Please pray for the spirit of generosity to be upon our congregation.

Please pray that all our members and friends remember to provide a pledge card for 2024!

Above - An image of our Stewardship Cards!

Interested in becoming an Emergency Response Team (ERT) Member to provide a caring Christian presence in the aftermath of a disaster?

Watch for more information coming on training provided by UMCOR instructors early in 2024! For more information and interest, call Missions Committee member Dudley Burgess at 630-817-1200 or email at [email protected]

Interested in a job as Food Service Coordinator at Wesley?

Click above for

November's NOW Issue!

News Of Wesley (NOW)

The November 2023 edition of the NOW magazine is available this Sunday at the Welcome Desk! Please feel free to stop by and pick up your copy.

The NOW is a monthly issue of events and other newsworthy information at Wesley Church. If you have something you need us to make space for, email [email protected] by the 19th of November!