Gallery T is a permanent rotating exhibit space on Trinity's second level. We invite you to be part of the next Gallery T! The theme is ‘Joy’ but you can loosely interpret what that means to you (so basically, we want your art work-don’t let the theme stop you!). We are seeking works of arts and crafts of all media. We are seeking works of all art and/crafts of all media for our next show this summer. We ask for your submissions to the church office by May 24th.

Before you submit please know:

  • Items that cannot be hung should fit in the locked display case
  • Wall hangings and quilts may be suspended from the balcony railing
  • Items for the walls must be ready to hang (ie hooks on the back of the art work)
  • Also we ask that you include a paragraph to include your name, media type (ie photograph, oil painting) and any other information you wish to hang with your art work

Questions? Ask organizers: Carol Feather Martin; Donna Parry