Join us for an empowering 2023 HCCMO Business Wellness Day, where our members, diverse business owners, and professionals unite to unlock a healthier work and personal lifestyle. Discover the key to overcoming challenges while nurturing your well-being. This program offers interactive networking activities with wellness experts, and healthcare providers by empowering YOU to enhance your physical and mental well-being while optimizing your business growth, bottom line, and overall success. 

This year’s event will be focused on ways you can conquer challenges in the workplace to continue fostering a positive work environment by following these five segments:

To face challenges head on, your mind and body need to be in a relaxed state. Thinking clearly can help you better process information and find simpler solutions. During this session, you will be able to learn how to have mental flexibility, physical tranquility, and clarity in understanding the problem ahead and how to tackle it.

The ability to analyze problems is crucial when it comes to solving them. By thoroughly examining the challenges at hand, whether it’s improving accuracy or speed, this interactive session provides the skills needed to identify the root causes of a challenge and different ways to determine the necessary resources needed to find the solution. 

A solid action plan is the key to accomplishing your goals. This session is designed to help improve the critical thinking skills that allow you to create a solid plan by setting clear goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and sharing your plan for accountability. Additionally, it will teach you to maintain a record of your past success and use that to your advantage as you move forward. Remember to stay consistent, track your progress, and remind yourself of your growth.

In the context of networking, adopting a positive mindset and overcoming self-doubt are crucial. Viewing networking as an opportunity rather than a threat allows for a more open and proactive approach. Recognizing that networking is a skill that can be developed through practice helps overcome challenges and fosters personal growth. Take the time to maximize the potential for building valuable connections and seize opportunities.

Celebrating the completion of every goal is key to maintaining a positive attitude towards bigger challenges. This high-energy session brings the different teams together to promote collaborative and positive relations with your co-workers, employees, or clients. 

  • Exclusive Benefits - Reserve the company recognition as part of the event's name and inclusion in the official logo exclusively for as the Presenting Sponsor. 
  • Extended Visibility - Company recognition in all marketing and media materials, including the event's website, social media channels, and post-event follow-ups, receiving ongoing exposure before, during, and after the event.  
  • Promotional Opportunities - Choose between delivering title sponsorship remarks or presenting a 30-second video during the event providing the opportunity to showcase the brand in ways that align with marketing goals and target audience. 
  • Ticket Bundle - As a part of your sponsorship package your company will receive a bundle of eight (8) tickets for you and your team to enjoy the event.

  • Interactive Engagement - Interactive role during the event by conducting a program segment as the presenter or coach, allowing direct connection with attendees, increasing the sponsorship's impact.
  • Extended Social Media Reach - Promote one (1) company video or special message on HCCMO's social media 60 days before or after the event allowing sponsors to leverage the organization's social media platforms for an extended period, maximizing their reach and engagement.
  • Flexible Accommodations - Work together on specific sponsor preferences by tailoring available event options such as hosting a branded booth, sponsoring a particular event activity, or collaborating on a unique marketing initiative (with HCCMO approval).

  • Brand Visibility - Company recognition in all marketing and media materials, including the event's website, social media channels, and post-event follow-ups, receiving ongoing exposure before, during, and after the event.  
  • Promotional Opportunities - Choose between delivering title sponsorship remarks or presenting a 30-second video during the event providing the opportunity to showcase the brand in ways that align with marketing goals and target audience. 
  • Interactive Engagement - Interactive role during the event by conducting a program segment as the presenter or coach, allowing direct connection with attendees, increasing the sponsorship's impact.
  • Extended Social Media Reach - Promote one company video or special message on HCCMO's social media beyond the 60 days before or after the event allowing sponsors to leverage the organization's social media platforms for an extended period, maximizing their reach and engagement. 
  • Ticket Bundle - As a part of your sponsorship package your company will receive a bundle of six (6) tickets for you and your team to enjoy the event.
  • Brand Visibility - Company recognition in all marketing and media materials, including the event's website, social media channels, and post-event follow-ups, receiving ongoing exposure before, during, and after the event.  
  • Verbal Acknowledgment - Receive special recognition during the event, allowing your brand to shine in front of attendees acknowledging your contribution and expressing gratitude for your support, ensuring that your brand is recognized and remembered by the audience.
  • Extended Social Media ReachSocial media event postings showcasing the sponsorship level engaging with members and the event's online community.
  • Ticket Bundle - As a part of your sponsorship package your company will receive a bundle of four (4) tickets for you and your team to enjoy the event.

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