FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024

Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Trivia begins at 7 p.m.

Spirit of Peace UCC

6509 S Cliff Ave, Sioux Falls, SD

Unlock the magic of giving with a suggested donation of:

$25 per person or

$100 for a table of 5 people.

Grab an exclusive perk by donating on or before May 28!

A $50 additional donation will earn you (and your team) a copy of the 5 trivia categories to study beforehand!

Beer, wine and other non-alcoholic refreshments and appetizers will be provided. You’re also invited to enjoy our signature drink in a one-of-a-kind PRIDE Trivia cup, available for purchase at the event.

Donate today and join us for this exciting event celebrating the kick-off to Sioux Falls PRIDE!

For more info, email: [email protected].

*Spirit of Peace UCC is an open and affirming church within the United Church of Christ. To learn more about Spirit of Peace visit our website at

All proceeds from this event will be distributed to Sioux Falls PRIDE and the Rainbow Chorus of Sioux Falls.

ALL are welcome at Spirit of Peace!