
Mentorship Program Goals: The New England HIMSS Mentorship Program is designed to facilitate conversation between NEHIMSS professionals and NEHIMSS members that wish to offer advice (Mentors) and those that are looking to solicit advice (Mentees). This advice could be relating to professional development and/or learning about different HIT career paths available within, or potentially many other areas of interest.


Mentorship Committee: The Mentorship Committee consists of seasoned mentors and former mentee participants, who warmly welcome fresh minds with innovative ideas and/or prior mentorship experiences. This committee is responsible for various crucial tasks, including program development, the perfect mentor/mentee matching, fostering collaboration and networking opportunities, and continuously enhancing the mentorship program’s quality. To ensure active participation, all members are required to attend at least 70% of the meetings that often occur monthly except for during mentor/mentee matching, and during program re-evaluation, which can be every two weeks occurring during the summer months.

Mentorship Committee Leadership: The committee has at least one chair and ideally, a co-chair and/or vice-chairs. These roles possess valuable experience with the program, enabling them to comprehend past programmatic goals and effectively connect with the larger chapter. If interested in joining this dynamic team, please reach out to our Mentor Program Chairs. Chair responsibilities include: • Engage in helping manage and improve the program • Appropriately matching participants based upon their applications • Facilitating virtual meetings for the program

For more information, including how to participate in the Mentorship program, please click here.