Introducing a "Fresh New System" that Will Improve Recycling in Your Community

and divert over 80% of the plastic and metal waste form the landfills.

Now your Community can Benefit from this.

This is a great Way Show that you are concerned about the environment and want to help to

Achieve "Net Zero Plastic by 2030"

There is funding available to Towns and Cities under 20,000 population

If you are interested, watch this 45 second video

If you are interested please watch this 45 second video

Kwik BagIt is Serious about Proper Waste Management and Recycling!

We are told that we should throw our Recyclables into the Blue Bins

but the method we are using now are not working.

Companies that pick up our curb side blue bins want us to think that

they are recycling everything that you toss into the them.

But due to Contamination and Co-Mingling of materials,

they struggle to retrieve less than 10%, and the remaining 90% ends up in the landfill.




Every year Taxpayers PAY MORE for recycling to be picked - then and then they PAY MORE for it to be dumped.

Your landfill continues to get plugged-up and will not contribute to the Goals to Achieve Net Zero Plastic by 2030

This "System" Will Help and It Will Also

Generate New Found Revenue That Your Community

Can Use for Funding Projects


On average, a family of 4 will discard approximately 50 lbs

of plastic and metal cans into the curb-side blue bin


Re-Processing manufacturers will pay for this material, and Best Way to Recycle will work with your Non-Profit Group to create a "Fresh New" source of revenue.


Help to Achieve "Net Zero Plastic by 2030"

Households and Businesses will Collect the Following Types of Materials, which will Be Washed and Placed

Into Bags That Prevent Co-mingling

Shampoo and Detergent Bottles

Cottage Cheese & Sour Cream and Yogourt Containers

Coffee & Creamer Containers

Clear Clam Shell Packs from Fruit and Vegetables

Windshield Washer & Automotive Container

Prescription & Vitamin Bottles

Clear Plastics From Bread or Fresh Greens

Soup & Vegetable Tin Cans

All of these Products are Valuable to Processing Companies

who will recycle these materials and make them into other products.

Some Plastics can be recycled 5-10 times!

Kwik BagIt Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System

will arrange to have these items picked up from

Authorized Licensed Collection Centres in you Community.

For More Information about becoming an Exclusive Member

click on the tab below and we will send you information

how you and your family will benefit from

"Kwik BagIt Closed-Loop Rewards Recycling System"

"Membership Has It's Reward"