February 29, 2024

Worship Service

"When Bad Things Hapen"

Scripture: Matthew 10:16-31, Psalm 23

Sermon by Kelsey Meredith Ross

When Christians Get it Wrong

"More and more young adults have opted out of Christianity and the church. The reason? Christians. When young adults talk about the problems they have with Christianity and the church, they often name certain attitudes and behaviors they believe are practiced too often by Christians: judging others, condemning people of other faiths, rejecting science, injecting politics into faith, and being anti-homosexual. With his familiar style, Adam Hamilton tackles these issues and addresses the how’s and why’s of Christians getting it right when it comes to being Christ in the world."

When and Where!


10:15am - Lounge for Adult Sunday School

• Contact Pastor Sara for more info!


8am - Lounge with the Women’s Group

• Contact Pastor Sara for more info!

6-8pm - Offsite with “Called Good” Group

• Contact Kelsey Ross for more info!

Noon - Online with Kathi Pritts

• Contact Kathi Pritts for more info!


Noon - Garden Room with the Men’s Group

• Contact Greg Yount for more info!

Study books are available at the Welcome Desk for $10

Even if you don’t want to be in a small group, you might enjoy doing the study on your own!

RMN Task Force Question Box!

The Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) is a organization of members of the United Methodist Church that is “committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.”

We’ve set up a RMN Question Box on the front desk in the Wesley Lobby, where congregation members can submit questions about RMN and the LGBTQ+ community anonymously.

These questions can be discussed at the upcoming RMN Coffee Hour on March 10 between services. Also, if you’d like to ask a question electronically but don’t feel like you need to be anonymous, you can also submit questions by email to [email protected]

On March 10th, the Wesley RMN Task Force will be hosting a Coffee Hour between services (from 10:15 - 11:15) in the Garden Room. We’ll have a couple of round-tables open with Task Force Members available to converse and answer questions congregation members may have about RMN and the LGBTQ+ community. We’ll also have a separate table with informational materials that anyone can look over (some materials can be taken home with you as well!)

UM Update on March 10

2024 is already set to be a very interesting year for the United Methodist Church, especially with the General Conference this Spring. Join us on March 10th at 2:00pm for an update on what to expect with the UMC in the coming months!

Jr. High Retreat!

Our Jr. High Retreat will be on March 8th-9th. We will be at WESLEY UMC from 5:00 pm on the 8th to 5:00 pm on the 9th. The sign up is live!

The February 2023 edition of the NOW magazine is available at the Welcome Desk.

The March NOW Will be available THIS SUNDAY! Stop by the front desk before/after/between worship to get a copy!

New Members Classes!

We're getting ready to welcome a new group of members to our Wesley Family! If you're interested in becoming a member of Wesley UMC Bloomington, be sure to check out these dates and times for classes and activities:

  • Sunday, March 3 - "Getting to Know You" - 12:45pm to 2:15pm
  • Wednesday, March 13 - Tour and Service Project - 5:30pm to 6:30pm to 7:30pm
  • Sunday, March 10 - "United Methodists 101" - 10:15am to 11:15am
  • Sunday, March 17 - New Member Sunday! - Both Services (accepting of new members)

When Christians Get it Wrong

"More and more young adults have opted out of Christianity and the church. The reason? Christians. When young adults talk about the problems they have with Christianity and the church, they often name certain attitudes and behaviors they believe are practiced too often by Christians: judging others, condemning people of other faiths, rejecting science, injecting politics into faith, and being anti-homosexual. With his familiar style, Adam Hamilton tackles these issues and addresses the how’s and why’s of Christians getting it right when it comes to being Christ in the world."

When and Where!


10:15am - Lounge for Adult Sunday School

• Contact Pastor Sara for more info!


8am - Lounge with the Women’s Group

• Contact Pastor Sara for more info!

6-8pm - Offsite with “Called Good” Group

• Contact Kelsey Ross for more info!

Noon - Online with Kathi Pritts (begins 2-20)

• Contact Kathi Pritts for more info!


Noon - Garden Room with the Men’s Group

• Contact Greg Yount for more info!

Study books are available at the Welcome Desk for $10

Even if you don’t want to be in a small group, you might enjoy doing the study on your own!

We have fantastic Sunday School opportunities for all ages!

I believe there are angels among us. I see them unloading a truck load of toilet paper from MFB. I see them bundled up against frigid temperatures to give it all away. Angels who make sure we have diapers, sorted and staged for easy presentation, and angels who buy those diapers. One doesn't require wings to be an angel, one just has to have love in their hearts and here at Wesley, love abounds. 

Wesley's Distribution Ministry can't promise you'll become an angel if you come to help, but if you are there long enough, I guarantee you will see love in action. In March, SURGE is coming to help us give it all away to those in need in our community. 

You can help by contributing products like diapers, adult incontinence items, diaper wipes, feminine hygiene products, monetary donations and your prayers. In February, Wesley Staff and Bell Choir members served 585 families. At the end of the day, almost everything we had was gone.....gone into homes of people like Pauline and Cleve, John and Tyshawn They believe in angels, they bless us when they receive our bags. 

Thank you for believing, for helping, for being an angel among us.

It’s time to start cleaning out your basements and closets! 

Your 2024 Rummage Sale Chairs are pleased to announce that our Annual Rummage Sale is just around the corner! This Wesley tradition has a rich history of providing much needed fellowship and supplies for our community as well as providing necessary funds for our United Women in Faith, Jubilation Youth Choir and Surge Youth Group. Please mark your calendars for Monday April 15th – Saturday April 20th.  

Times for dropping off your donations at the Interstate Center are: 

• Monday, April 15th from 12-9:00pm. 

• Tuesday, April 16th through Thursday April 18th from 9:00am-9:00pm. 

• Donations will not be accepted on Friday the 19th. 

The sale will take place on Saturday, April 20th from 8:00 am-2:00 pm with a bags and boxes sale starting at 1:00pm. We are looking for help this year from individuals willing to: 

• Volunteer to work at the sale 

• Volunteer to coordinate an area of the sale 

• Volunteer to bake something for the bake sale 

• Volunteer to help set up at the Interstate Center on Monday, April 15th at 9:00am 

• Volunteer to help clean up at the Interstate Center on Saturday, April 20th at 2:00pm 

• Volunteer the use of their truck to help with clean-up on Saturday 

As members of the Wesley UMC family, please consider volunteering your time and donations to this special ministry of our beloved church. If you are interested in getting involved in any capacity, please contact Brenna Martin at [email protected], or you can sign up on our website at wesleyumcbloomington.org. We are looking forward to another great year serving the community together! 

-The 2024 Rummage Sale Committee Chairs 

Brenna Martin, Stephanie Hoy, Diane Yount, Stephanie Peterson, Kelsey Ross, and Jennifer Schottland

Creation Care Update

Only 40% of the cups being disposed are being disposed in the blue recycle receptacles. Creation Care Team humbly asks that cups be recycled in our blue recycling bins!

Creation Care is cooperating with the Rummage Sale committee by providing assistance in collecting, sorting and donating recyclable items during and after the sale!

Spiritual Gifts!

If you saw Pastor Sara L. Isbell's "Spiritual Gifts" Sermon (watch here!) and took the UMC Spiritual Gifts survey (take survey here!), you may be curious about what ways you can offer your gifts to God and the church. If so, we encourage you to to take a look at the guide we've created to help inform you about what parts of Wesley may need your assistance and specialties.

2024 Lenten Offering Recipients

Every year in January, the Missions Committee of Wesley Church selects global missions for the special Lenten Offering. This year the Lenten Offering supports:

Missionary Cristian Schlick - Wesley Church is in covenant relationship with Board of Global Ministries missionary Cristian Schlick.  Cristian is engaged in ministries with migrants from Central America and Mexico.

Midwest Mission Distribution Center - MMDC provides disaster relief supplies and humanitarian aid around the world.  Types of supplies and aid are for disaster relief, health, education and micro-business.

UMCOR -  UMCOR is the global humanitarian aid and development organization of the United Methodist Church. They help provide relief work for a multitude of scenarios, be they war or conflict, hurricane, famine, earthquake or flood.

Lakeview United Methodist Church, Lipa Batangas, Philippines - Support will help rebuild this United Methodist church that has been ravaged by hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

 You will hear more opportunities to learn about the impact these organizations make during the Stewardship Story moments in our Sunday services in Lent.

Contributions may be made using the offering envelopes in the pews and notating "Lenten Offering" or online at https://wesleyumcbloomington.org/give/

Our stewardship drive for 2024

is still going!

This is the time when our members and friends can fill out a stewardship card and provide their intention of financial support for our General Operating Fund for 2024. Additional copies are available at the welcome desk. Members and friends can still fill out a stewardship card and indicate their support of time, talent and treasure in 2024 – including financial support for our General Operating Fund. We can mail or email additional cards if you need one!

Please take time to consider what support you hope to provide next year: your spiritual gifts, abilities and financial gifts. We seek to set budgets that are realistic and faithful to the commitments that our members make, so returning commitment cards is a very important part of the process. Please pray for the spirit of generosity to be upon our congregation. Please pray that all our members and friends remember to provide a pledge card for 2024!

There are many ways to give from the safety and comfort of your home. The easiest way is to click below to give online with our secure and SSL-encrypted donation site.

You may also submit an online offering by texting. To do this, simply text:

"${your donation amount}OFFERING"

to:(309) 822-4442

For mail-in offerings, please mail a check to: Wesley United Methodist Church - 502 East Front Street, Bloomington, IL 61701


Email Pastor Sara L. Isbell for prayers and Pastoral concerns.

Wesley Emergency Number after Office Hours:

Rev. Sara L. Isbell  217.299.4870 

Wesley United Methodist Church:

502 E. Front Street

Bloomington, IL 61701

Office 309.827.8046


Visit www.WesleyUMCBloomington.org for more information about our news and events.

You can also visit us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.