"Live Compassion" Community Program

No need to journey alone!

You are invited to join the community program to connect, learn, grow, and share in the support and inspiration as we work through 365 days of integrating Nonviolent Communication with the book "Live Compassion." Community calls, workshops, community connection, and private coaching options will support you throughout the year.

Transformation begins within. Companionship expands and deepens our groundedness, integration, and capacity for authenticity and compassion.

Click below for your video invitation.

Click the book to purchase now

or get yours at check out.


"Hi there! Are you ready to dive into a transformative journey with us? We get it; the path to personal growth can feel lonely sometimes. But imagine this: you're not alone anymore. You've got a community that's ready to support, inspire, and grow with you. Welcome to 365 days of integrating Nonviolent Communication based on the book "Live Compassion, Your Daily Guidebook for Integrating Nonviolent Communication" by Kathy Ziola. Now, let's talk about why this journey might be just what you're looking for."

Communication Not What You Would Like It to Be?

  • Scared to express what is important to you?
  • Have a hard time listening to others?
  • Not sure how to respond to others' intense emotions?
  • Lacking closeness with those you love?
  • Wish you had more confidence to navigate conflict or hard topics?
  • Find yourself stimulating defensiveness in others?
  • Trouble saying no?

These are a few common challenges that contribute to stress in relationships.

As you strive to grow in communication skills and awareness it can seem like quite a journey. And you may be wishing for some companionship and support along the way.

Where Do You Struggle in Your Learning?

1. Isolation or Lack of Support:

   "You are independent and work hard on your personal growth on your own but get stuck. Or you feel lonely, want to share the process, get feedback, work through challenges and share celebrations, and get a boost when you lose focus."

2. Difficulty Applying NVC in Real Life:

   "You may find it tough to put Nonviolent Communication principles into action when life throws curveballs. Or you are just starting to learn and understand it so you need support as you learn to apply it."

3. Inconsistent Practice:

   "We all know consistency is key, and life gets busy. You may find it hard to remember to do your daily focus and application.

4. Limited Understanding of NVC:

   "You have done some reading and are enjoying "Live Compassion," and you want more tools and live connection to deepen your learning."

If any the above applies to you, this program is for you. Please scroll on down and find out more about the benefits and your desired level of engagement.

If you are 100% happy with your relationships, the way you communicate, navigate conflict, and manage your inner experience, then this is not the program for you. If you are really great at attaining your goals independently, being consistent, and don't really enjoy processing with others, sharing support, and celebrating with other folks, then you probably wouldn't enjoy this program. You are good to go and can dive into the book on your own. Yay, go for it! Just let me know if I can be of service in another way. I have many other learning and coaching options available. You can explore them at https://nvctrainingsource.com.

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Intended Outcomes - your results will vary depending upon your uniqueness.

  • Decrease conflict at home, work, and community
  • More clarity in your conversations
  • More collaborative problem solving
  • Restful nights and less stress
  • Relationships steeped in empathy and authenticity
  • Increased capacity to meet challenges and conflicts
  • Consistency in your practice and application of NVC in daily life.
  • Connection and new friends
  • Fewer arguments with your loved ones and co-workers
  • Increase capacity to manage your intense emotions and reactions
  • Ability to express yourself authentically with more confidence
  • Tools for responding to others and to life with compassion and empathy

Consistency in your practice and application will be easier when you engage regularly with other enthusiasts. Accountability and interaction will keep you on track with regular practice.

Benefits of the program:

1. Community and Companionship:

   "Imagine being part of a vibrant community where your journey is celebrated, and your challenges are met with support. In our 24 community calls and private Facebook group, you'll find companionship, connection, and a tribe ready to cheer you on."

2. Expert Guidance:

   "You're not just learning on your own. Your experienced trainer, assistant, and coach are here to guide you through the process. With your choice of community calls, workshops, and individual coaching sessions, you'll access expert guidance tailored to your unique journey."

3. Consistency:

   "We get it; life is hectic. That's why we've structured our program with 24 community calls, four workshops, and individual coaching sessions. It's a consistent guide, ensuring you have a well-rounded approach to personal and interpersonal development using your NVC."

4. Practical Application:

   "Theory is great, but you need to apply it, right? The workshops provide practical guidance, role-playing, and live coaching so you can confidently apply Nonviolent Communication principles to real-life situations."

5. Flexibility

   "Your journey is unique, and your learning options should be too. With flexible program packages, you choose the support that fits your needs and preferences, making your experience truly personalized."

Multi-Cultural Office Staff Sitting Having Meeting Together

"So, what do you say? Ready to transform from within, connect with a community that cares, and make compassion a way of life? Join us on this incredible journey! Check out the details below and become part of a community that's dedicated to your growth. We can't wait to welcome you into our circle. See you on the journey, where transformation begins within, and companionship expands our capacity for authenticity and compassion. Let's live compassion together!"

Big group of people having fun in success pose with raised arms on mountain top against sunset lakes and mountains. Travel_ adventure or expedition concept

Program Elements - (This program is 100% online using Zoom technology.)

Community Calls – 24 calls - 36 hours of interactive calls to access the expertise of Kathy and her trained staff while you grow in skills, consciousness, and community!

Share insights, questions, coaching, short practice.   Companionship, support, inspiration, consistency, accountability, sharing your art, poetry, insights. 

Workshops - 4 Three-hour workshops. 

Deepen your learning with live, interactive workshops.

  1. Live compassion using Self-empathy – transform triggers, pain, judgment.
  2. Live compassion using honest expression – bring clarity and compassion into your authentic expression through practice with coaching.
  3. Live compassion using empathy – learn nuances of empathy, give and receive empathy with support.
  4. Practice, Practice, Practice – Bring your challenges, use role plays, experience fish-bowl learning, demonstrations, and live coaching.

Individual Coaching

Private coaching sessions provide support for your personal process and practice with your unique situations throughout the year. Bring your challenges, explore, ask questions, allow me to facilitate your process, role play, and practice applying NVC to your interactions internally and with others.

Private Facebook Group

Interact with community participants. Share your celebrations, challenges, learnings and inspiration. Practice living compassion with one another through communication in the group. 


Your Trainer & Facilitator

Kathy Ziola, MA, author and certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication has been immersed in the practice and teaching of Nonviolent Communication since 2005. Her passion lies in authenticity, living with presence and compassion, and helping others do the same. With over 35 years of experience as a psychotherapist, group facilitator, and healing arts professional, Kathy brings deep understanding and insight into human relationships and personal growth. 

Kathy is also an avid poet and often incorporates her original works into her workshops, adding inspiration and humor. She finds joy and rejuvenation in nature, and living in Colorado for most of her life has allowed her to embrace outdoor activities like hiking, biking, camping, and cross-country skiing.

In her dedication to sharing the transformative power of Nonviolent Communication, Kathy continues to empower individuals, facilitate training, coach clients, and create spaces for healing and connection. Her authentic and compassionate presence is evident in the profound impact she has on those who have the privilege of learning from her.

Big group of people having fun in success pose with raised arms on mountain top against sunset lakes and mountains. Travel_ adventure or expedition concept

Success Stories & Comments:

"There have been very few experiences in my life as profound and inspirational as my exposure to Nonviolent Communication. Simply put, through the practice of NVC and the consciousness I am able to cultivate, I show up in the world and move through the world as the person I want to be." Bob Mark, Human Services Director.

"I have always appreciated the way you’ve taught, valuing deep presence and authentic connection in the moment and offering practical ways of tapping into that." Zane Cook, Nine Month Program Participant 

“Kathy has a gift of presence that brings us home to "the heart of the matter" within ourselves and with our community. It is important to have passion and love for what we want to offer, but it is really an art to make that passion into a deliverable and palatable message to the world.” Maria Bailey

If you don't have a copy of "Live Compassion" yet, you can purchase it at check out or order on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Click the options below for all the details and investment.

BEGINS APRIL 5, 2024 Register now to save your spot.

Gold Option

Bronze and silver benefits plus private coaching sessions. Individual coaching provides support for your personal process and practice with your unique situations throughout the year.

circle of hands

Silver Option

Bronze benefits plus 4 three-hour workshops.

Deepen your learning with live, interactive workshops.

Group of people holding a pink heart icon

Bronze Option

24 calls - 36 hours of interactive calls to access the expertise of Kathy and her trained staff while you grow in skills, consciousness, and community!

Private Facebook group membership.

More Participant Success & Comments

"Just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed to participate today. ❤

You are such an amazing coach ! and I am so looking forward to buying your book!" Hanne Halseth, Nutritionist

"The session today was such a wonderful reminder that emotions are gifts to be welcomed and indicators of something beautiful. Thank you for the beautiful moments of compassion today, Kathy!" Emily Schlesinger

“I am grateful for the safe and supportive space Kathy made for me to explore my feelings and needs and arrive at new understanding and appreciation for myself. Through the acceptance of Kathy and our group I regained access to hope, trust, and my innocence. I can finally feel a connection between my head and my heart and taste real compassion for myself and others. It is a place of rich, deep peace and possibility. I can't say "Thank you!" enough.  Kathy's skill in teaching, living and modeling NVC is inspiring. She makes it look so easy, because she stays grounded in Presence, able to trust the unfolding of Wisdom through the process of NVC.  I could not have asked for any finer teacher to show the way to Compassionate Communication and connection with self and others!”Ann Gibson

"Kathy has helped me to see things that I could not see on my own, both regarding my internal relationship with myself and my relationship with others.  Kathy is an open-hearted teacher and instructor, and she practices what she teaches, empathy, self-compassion, the beauty of our needs, all of it.  I love her presence.  She is a gift to all of us." Chris Van Note

If you don't have a copy of "Live Compassion" yet, you can purchase it at check out or on Amazon or any bookstore.

Click the programs above for all the details and investment.

More Participant Comments

"Just a quick note to say that I really enjoyed to participate today. ❤

You are such an amazing coach ! and I am so looking forward to buying your book!" Hanne Halseth, Nutritionist

"The session today was such a wonderful reminder that emotions are gifts to be welcomed and indicators of something beautiful. Thank you for the beautiful moments of compassion today, Kathy!" Emily Schlesinger

“I am grateful for the safe and supportive space Kathy made for me to explore my feelings and needs and arrive at new understanding and appreciation for myself. Through the acceptance of Kathy and our group I regained access to hope, trust, and my innocence. I can finally feel a connection between my head and my heart and taste real compassion for myself and others. It is a place of rich, deep peace and possibility. I can't say "Thank you!" enough.  Kathy's skill in teaching, living and modeling NVC is inspiring. She makes it look so easy, because she stays grounded in Presence, able to trust the unfolding of Wisdom through the process of NVC.  I could not have asked for any finer teacher to show the way to Compassionate Communication and connection with self and others!”Ann Gibson

"Kathy has helped me to see things that I could not see on my own, both regarding my internal relationship with myself and my relationship with others.  Kathy is an open-hearted teacher and instructor, and she practices what she teaches, empathy, self-compassion, the beauty of our needs, all of it.  I love her presence.  She is a gift to all of us." Chris Van Note

If you don't have a copy of "Live Compassion" yet, you can purchase it at check out.

Click the programs above for all the details and investment.