Life Coaching

when life overwhelms you, it helps to have an empathetic navigator

These and many other experiences have stretched me and informed me:

living 29 years in intentional communities,

25 years' training in deep listening in a residential feedback learning program,

managing a secondhand store,

growing up in a Christian Science home,

exploring familial holocaust history,

living with sibling mental illness,

accompanying my younger sister as caregiver,

acting as communicator and transition manager for my dying father,

many years spent studying & applying positive life principles,

transforming myself from a shy, removed, sometimes harsh, oblivious being

to the warm engaged person I had dreamed of becoming (!)

For more of my story, please read below the client quote.

People come to me for warmth, support and guidance as they wade through life challenges and decisions. Clients experience me as a partner with whom they can think out loud and

discover new options and fresh perspectives.

Working with me begins with an exploratory conversation to see if we are a good match and to explore your wishes and objectives. In the following sessions, I'll guide you in shaping a path towards your goals and recommend practices to accelerate your movement. Periodically we'll check in to make sure the coaching is serving you and achieving the results you want.

Everyone deserves a caring guide -- including you!

If the times available don't suit you, please text me or leave a message at 707-234-5281.

I have good friends, but Peggy provides me with steady reliable warmth and kindness that I treasure and rely on. She hears my pain and celebrates my successes. She accepts my weaknesses and shows me my strengths. I feel supported, partnered and held. Everyone should have a Peggy Wonder in their life!

~ Linda G. Miller

A bit more of my story...

The communities I've engaged in and the myriad of relationships within them have enriched and guided me in shaping the person I am and the gifts I offer.

My upbringing in Christian Science gives me a special perspective. An experience of dedication and intense exclusivity. As well as an experience of social discomfort and separation because of my holding this unusual choice. In my early 20s, I left the church with the powerful understanding that my thoughts and actions matter and have impact. 


I continued to explore spirituality and healing through other means. 

As a peer counselor, I received training in active listening skills. This fresh way of listening opened my eyes to a new world of perception that felt magical. I was thrilled and wanted to learn more about how to see and hear deeply. 

After college, I worked in a halfway house for mentally ill adults. There I met my first long term partner, Richard. It turned out that both of us had a family member diagnosed with mental illness. No wonder we were both attracted to Sihaya Halfway House! Working there gave me language and experiences that helped me understand and relate better to my sister Ellen and many other folks.  

Richard and I traveled across the United States, visiting intentional communities. We settled in the Foundation for Feedback Learning in Staten Island, New York. There my personal evolution and education about people continued.  We lived together, worked together and talked about everything. Observing others working on themselves, and going through changes myself, gave me insight into behavior and thought patterns. I am still awed by the infinite uniqueness and complexity of individual personality and perspective.

My mother, a holocaust survivor, and I had the great honor to meet one of the soldiers who liberated her from a death train. Learning more of my family’s story and finding parallels between the survivors’ and veterans’ stories has been enlightening and deeply moving. My mother’s determination to overcome the damage of such trauma inspires me to keep expanding my own understanding of freedom and to question the limitations I may have accepted or imposed on myself.

After 27 years living in community, I was ready to change environments. I moved to California to be close to the spiritual teacher I had met a few years before. Some of my years living in the community had been very challenging; the next four years were even more intense. Through a plethora of experiences and emotions, I learned and grew tremendously. I raised my standards for myself around communication, work and space management. During this time, my partner Tom and I joined an outstanding co-housing community near Santa Rosa (FrogSong Community).

All that I had gained, I put to use when I was called to Philadelphia to be with my sister Tanya, who was beginning treatment for metastatic breast cancer. In March of 2020, just before lockdown, Tom moved with me to accompany me and my sister through her last two years of life. Being with Tanya fulfilled a deep wish of mine. At age 30 I became aware that my heart’s desire was to be able to say “I will be there for you.” This desire, this dream, had pushed me and carried me through layers of personal growth. I moved from being at the mercy of my emotions to being able to observe them and consciously, compassionately choose my responses to them. Thus I was able to realize my dream and offer a wholehearted "Yes" to my sister. And that Yes created the loving space for her to achieve beautiful healings in her most significant relationships. (In case you’re wondering, I do still have a brother, whom I adore.)

This desire to be present for others continues to move me. I offer the gifts of my life through professional organizing, friendship and life coaching. I would love to be there for you! How can I support you in making space for you -- emotionally, spiritually and in your surroundings? It’s not necessary to know the answers in order to begin the conversation.

Let’s figure it out together!