
Dr. Steven Govender


God called Dr. Steven Govender into full time ministry over 40 years ago. He was an associate minister of Durban Christian Center in Durban, South Africa. Durban Christian Center is a fast growing all nations city church with a membership of several thousand. They pastored over two thousand people under the apostolic oversight of Dr. Fred and Nellie Roberts. He was married for forty five years to Dr.Nancy Govender who transitioned to be with the Lord. They have two children Mark and Karisha, and three grand children, Ethan, Emma, and Alisia.


Dr.Steven is a Certified Professional Coach/ Trainer and Consultant. He has traveled extensively across the United States and abroad conducting extended Revival Services, Restoration and Present Day Truth Seminars. He founded and established Harvest Church International in Lafayette, Louisiana, and are available for ministry, seminars, and establishing Church growth. Presently their ministry Restoration & Restoration Ministries Int. is based in Forth Worth Texas.


The Lord has divinely commissioned them to the United States, and to the nations of the world in preparing the church to embrace the present move of the Spirit and to help ignite revival fires. Dr. Govender ministers in a unique sense that God confirms His Word with signs and wonders following.


Dr.Steven is well received as they minister locally, nationally and internationally in an apostolic dimension with a teaching thrust and a prophetic edge. His passion is to see God restore order in the Kingdom and equip saints to do the work of the ministry, and encourage them to reach their full potential in Christ. Dr. Govender believes that, building the church is building God's people. These factors, which include self-awareness, self-discipline, and urgency for Gods people to pull together as

a TEAM will strengthen the body and bring immediate benefits to your Church. You can be sure that he will bring a fresh word of life to your congregation.

A Pastors friend, Impacting the Market Place through relationship, wisdom and the power of God.




Restoration and Revival Ministries Intl. office Phone: 657.457.4633

Email: drstevengovender@gmail.com



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